Contact by Phone

If you have any enquiry to our company, please contact below phone number


Opening Hours: Monday to Friday, 0900-1700

Contact by Form

Thank you for your interest in ABO SHOTEN, LTD.. Please complete below inquiries form.
We will use customers’ information only for responding to your inquiries. About Privacy Policy, please refer below.



ex) (+81)848-00-0000


(Please fill it out more specifically.)

Privacy Policy
  • 1) We deal with customers’ information as important thing carefully and take measure to protect personal information adequately.
  • 2) We will manage your personal information appropriately by a management representative.
  • 3) We will collect personal information which is only required on the business properly. Also we will make clear purpose of collection, purpose of use and point of contact when we collect personal information.
  • 4) Except for the order of law and regulations, we will not use, provide and disclose customers’ personal information beyond the limit of agreement when we collect.
  • 5) In order to prevent the risk of personal information such as unauthorized access, loss, destruction, manipulation and leak of personal information, we maintain company rule and take rational safety measure.
  • 6) After confirmation of purpose and range of use and customers’ agreement, we will use personal information which is included in entrusted business. Also when we entrust business which deal with personal information, we will make appropriate contract and maintain.
  • 7) If you want to require disclosure, revision, addition, stop of use, delete, stop of provision of personal information for third parties, complaint or consultation, please contact us by phone or contact form. We will respond as soon as possible.